Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Look Back at the Greer/Watson/Trivette Family Reunion

Tuesday , 9 June 2015

On 6 June 2015, the Greer/ Watson/Trivette was the main event of the day for various family members. Some traveled miles to attend the event, while others just a hop skip and a jump to arrive at the designated located. Why would people travel long distances for such an event? Like myself, some feel the importance of getting together with family. It does not matter if it is close or distant family, just that everyone gathering for the event is family. I, myself, look forward with anticipation to family reunions from one year to the next. 

Once a year is not enough time to really know family members that live far away but it is an accepted time span allowing various members to plan, to save, and to look forward to without being overbearing or an inconvenience. Since everyone has such busy lives that they maintain with work, taking care of their own homes & families, and they own everyday activities; once a year seems to be sufficient for all concerned.

This year's family reunion was located at Yadkin Valley Community Park, the same location as last year. Earlene Greer Walker, Jennifer Walker Smith, Preston Smith and myself arrived early at the park in order to set everything up and ensure that the tables were clean, the ceiling fans were working properly, and the sound system was working with sufficient volume without any static or interference. Many, many hours of planning, correspondence, purchasing of supplies and care went into the event before anyone even thought about attending the event. Much appreciation and thanks goes out to Jennifer Smith and Earlene Walker for all the time and hard work which they put into organizing and planning to make the Greer/Watson/Trivette Family Reunion a success. 

There were around 40 Greer/Watson/Trivette family members in attendance at the family reunion. We wished it could have been more but we knew several families were dealing with serious health problems and would not be able to attend. Even though the number in attendance was lower than last year, we still had a great time. Several  were there this year that were not there last year, so we were able to get acquainted with cousins we had not known before which was fantastic. Getting together and meeting new cousins and sharing family information and pictures is always extremely thrilling for me.

Whenever we get together, it is important for me, as well as others, to take plenty of pictures so we can remember who attended and have a reminder of what each person looked like as some of need them lest we forget. 

Hobert Watson smiling for the camera.